The Compelling, Confusing Evidence for an Afterlife, by Ben Goertzle
Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 31, No. 3, pp. 439–459, 2017 0892-3310/1
Signs of Life, by Bob Ginsberg
Vol 14 / Issue 2 (July-Dec 2017) 20:21
Globe and Mail, by Sasha Chapin
July 28, 2017
Fortean Times, by Jerome Clark
354 (June 2017): 55-56
The Searchlight
June 2017
Psychic News
May 2017
French review from Québec
March 16, 2017
The Daily Grail, by Greg Taylor
March 9, 2017
Publishers Weekly
February 20, 2017
“Examining evidence of extra-mortal existence with the critical eye of a seasoned reporter, journalist Kean demonstrates that such phenomena merit serious study. . .Kean challenges readers to consider the many possibilities of a reality beyond that which can be seen with human eyes.”